Daily Cancer Horoscope February 15 (15/02)
Jun 22 − July 22
Alias: Alias: The Crab
February 15
daily cancer horoscope:
daily cancer horoscope:
Star 10/10
A certain plan you thought was going to take a lot longer to become a reality is showing signs of coming together faster than you thought. That might be exciting on one level but causing you to reassess how youre going to deal with it now rather than further down the line when you thought your attention or a decision would be needed. Theres no need to rush whats needing attention now. In fact, distancing yourself briefly from it could bring a bit of clarity thats needed.
Read more...Star 9/10
You might need to be a bit clearer about an outcome you want to see happen in a particular area. Its possible youve invested faith and effort in ways that have carefully created a plan to get from A to B and you have a chance now to assess if what you wanted to see happen not so long ago still remains as important as it was. Perhaps a situation or an arrangement as it stands currently is good enough for now? Does it really need to progress? Perhaps, thats something to consider.
Read more...Star 9/10
Resist making certain predictions in an area of your world this week. Dont believe you need to own a crystal ball or possess amazing psychic abilities. Fear, trepidation or a confidence crisis could be causing you to miss a wonderful opportunity presenting itself. Dont convince yourself that, by focusing on what you believe could go wrong, youre protecting yourself. Assume all will be well, act as if all will be well and you will discover, to your delight, that all really will be well!
Read more...Star 7/10
Mars will be boosting your energy levels to make career-related progress and Venus arrival in the same sector on the 3rd will really sweeten a deal or two during coming weeks. A Lunar Eclipse in your solar sector of earned income brings a boost to your finances, especially with Jupiter and Saturn lending a hand. A Solar Eclipse on the 26th occurs in your solar sector of faraway places and education, bringing travel or, for some Crabs, study plans to the top of your priority list.
Read more...Star 7/10
Todays celestial atmosphere indicates a time for emotional acknowledgement. This can be tricky for some who tend to feel acknowledged only when the outside self receives attention. The aspect at play represents inner energy. In other words, its not about how you look, how you dress, or who you "seem" to be. You will benefit from this transit by looking inward. To help, try taking a yoga class and focusing primarily on the breathing. Illuminate the inner pathways to your true identity.
Read more...Star 7/10
If yesterday you found yourself able to center yourself and practice a healthful routine, today you may feel a shift. The ability to sense your emotions is increased today; however, you are also feeling ambivalent. There is a tendency to drop the practice when you dont get an answer quickly, but this would be foolish. If you went to yoga yesterday, great! Go again today. If today is your first class in a while, going will help a lot.
Read more...Star 8/10
If your joints or muscles are stiff, its time to loosen them up. Dont let a sedentary lifestyle make matters worse. Its possible that your diet could be improved. Choose foods that nourish your body and help keep it free from pain. Dancing might help. If youre doing a lot of socializing, get enough sleep!
Read more...Star 10/10
As Jupiter, your health planet, enters its retrograde phase in the first week of February, it could encourage you to be more inward looking regarding your attitude and approach to well-being. If you have found it hard to maintain certain disciplines, then pinpointing the core issues can provide a breakthrough. At the same time, with sober Saturn moving through your wellness sector, its important to take responsibility for your health. Let perseverance be your mantra. Youll certainly see results if you keep trying even though youre tempted to give up.
Read more...Star 9/10
Emotions may build up and become quite intense today. However, you will also be able to express them in a harmonious way without causing any disruption. If you have had a problem talking honestly with your partner (current or prospective), then you may find you feel inspired to just begin, and see where it leads you. Stop worrying so much, and go with the flow.
Read more...Star 9/10
You may find yourself on the verge of starting an unusual kind of relationship. This could be totally unlike anything you have experienced before. It will spark your interest in a whole number of new activities, and also mean that you get to make some very interesting friends. It may take a while to become more passionate, but youll enjoy the challenge.
Read more...Star 8/10
Sometimes opposites attract, but that isnt the case at the start of the week. You gravitate toward people who are like you, and you can picture yourself in the long term with someone with similarities, not differences. Is this egotistical or practical, and does it really matter? If you need a date to a special event over the weekend, why not ask a friend? Sometimes having someone - anyone - by your side is better than going alone.
Read more...Star 8/10
Mercury leaves steady Capricorn for unconventional Aquarius on February 7, which can be a breath of fresh air or somewhat of a disaster. You arent entirely comfortable with being aloof, but playing hard to get has its advantages. Venus in Aries on February 14 means theres some very aggressive masculine energy in the air on Valentines Day. It might be impossible not to act on the chemistry between you and your hot crush. Mercury spends time in Pisces, starting on February 25, putting a meandering spin on communication. Youll get to the point eventually, but it might take more time than usual.
Read more...Star 7/10
Your tendency today will be to act without really thinking first. Your movements will be hasty and uncalculated. This could most certainly lead to difficulty later on. Be careful with your promises. You are on unstable ground. Proceed with care.
Read more...Star 7/10
Someone is likely to rub you the wrong way in a very aggressive manner. Dont let this person get the better of you. He or she may come up with wild facts to use against you. Dont be fooled. Most likely these "facts" are closer to fiction than truth.
Read more...Star 7/10
Expect a slower pace and some delays. This can be an upsetting time if you expect everyone to follow the usual procedures. Customers and people under your supervision can be especially irritating. It will be important to be flexible or at least stay emotionally cool when faced with people who want to do things their way. Your ability to communicate and find practical solutions is strong. Confrontations with others can actually clarify your thinking.
Read more...Star 9/10
February 10 brings you an opportunity to make some financial changes. Getting a raise, landing a lucrative job, or moving to a less expensive area are among the possibilities. Devise ways to make your hard-earned money stretch as far as possible in early February. A Solar Eclipse on February 26 could send you on an important business trip. Your tenacity and good sense of humor will help you land a significant client. Dont give up when you meet with initial resistance. Continued gentle pressure will yield the result you want. Be willing to strike an unconventional deal that satisfies both parties.
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